Monday, November 25, 2013

Some travel sketches

Oh, all those posts about places to visit before you die...

Figured if I am in Mexico now, the most logical route would be heading to South America after exploring this country a bit further out of the boundaries of massive tourism destinations.

Chiapas, Oaxaca, rainbow trees, Acapulco, whale sharks... still way to go till the Latin America quest.

Maybe it is too early to plan, but it  good to rememeber sometimes that there are some really amazing places out there and it is only the metter of time..

The Great Blue Hole in Belize

Mount Roraima in Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana

Salar De Uyuni in the Potosí and Oruro departments of southwest Bolivia

The Inca Trail in Peru


The swing at the “End of the World” in Baños, Ecuador

Marble Caves at General Carrera Lake in Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) and Mount Fitz Roy


to be continued...

Friday, November 8, 2013

all the world for those waves

I guess I am still learning a great deal here..It's 10 p.m.,  night sky is full of starts and lonely trucks are passing by the road. We are parked and waiting till 11 to start picking up tourists from hotel for the airport transfer. We enter to the second hotel and it feels that we ran into the gang of football hoolingas who've accidentally noticed the opposite team fans. Only five minutes of smiling, "yes, i understand you, sir", and  tons of verbal shit pouring at you and everyone calm and greatful is on the way to the airpot.

Yes, i am still learning a great deal here, and the biggest lesson of all NOT TO TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY is a treasure that I am taking with me and really want to share with all the lucky ones who´ve happened to work in service industry.

It is just so funny to see how some tourists are comming here with this "you know who are you dealing with?" attitude, how some of them seriously think you can control the weather, mexican mentality or solve all their psycological traumas from childhood. Probably at  every job dealing with people it is similar, but what surprises me here is that it looks like 12 hours distance away from  the motherland  makes people take of their masks and you can see them the way they really are with all the emotions on the surface.
And i can only picture how those who were the bravest here will come to their offices and wait quietly for the next vacation to express themselves.

Afterall, it was worth it. A deserved day off after all those night adventures started with a rainy morning and wispered gently that the waves were waiting. And they were, and they were perfect  - crystal clear, not too strong, smooth, breaking really fine near the shore. It was like being a child  - already supertired and red eyed after one hour still getting in over and over again, non stop. A thrilling orange-pink-violet sunset was like a little hint that it was a time to stop. But those two waves, taken all by myself...couldnt be more happy :)

Some beer with new friends and a first dreadlock in my hair... i love those kind of unexpected weekends... they are like a little travels without really travelling...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Starry starry night...

It's lovely on the roof, you feel like you can almost touch those thick white clouds that are slowly crowling through the night sky and just a distant sound of ambulance reminds that you are still in the city.

It's been a turbulent month, the last one. Going from fluffy pink-i-love-it-all state to wtf-is-going-on and i-dont-care mode was pretty challenging but the inner peace is getting back so i am able to write again.

A lot of questions were passing by through this head recently, a lot of dilemmas to solve, a lot of things to consider.

Would I ever be able to stop or will I always want to go somewhere new after 3 months of being in one place? How can i wait longer if after some calculations it turned out that to live in each country of the world for at least 3 months would take about 30 years? Is it right to sell your time for money to be able to afford the things or experiences you want to or is it equal to prostitution that is considered to be so wrong?

Four months have passed from 12 planned to spend here and I hope those 8 that are left will bring the answers my way.
And if not I hope by the time my immigration card expires I will have enough courage to say: Hello, world, I am a traveller, let's get to know each other better ;)